This book follows Steve Harmon who is in prison and on trial for the murder of a shop keeper. The book follows his life throughout prison, giving flashbacks on his life and on the actual incident. There are a lot of mature topics in the book, they deal with a lot of different things, especially in prison. The book is written like a movie script so there are like bold words at the beginning of each paragraph described what kind of shot is going to be used to film it.
I really liked this book, I thought that the movie script is a really cool and unique way of showing the story and not just telling it. I felt everything the character felt, which was a lot, and that definitely added to the whole experience of reading the book. I thought that we never really think of kids like this, I mean sure, you might see a kid who looks "sketchy" but not like they are going to kill someone at the age of 16. And then get sent to jail and have the death sentence.
I would recommend this book to everyone, if you are for a challenging read and a mature one.
This book sounds really good. I just read a book about a kid who was at risk of being put in jail, but never did. I'm adding this book to my TBR.