Sitting here just waiting for the weekend is so hard, every 10 minuets my eyes quickly dart to the clock to see a minuet has passed and I continue to wait. The only thing that makes this weekend awesome is the fact that I will not have any homework, other than buying a tri-fold, and gluing a few things down to it.
You know what that means, hardcore Advanced Warfare QUICKSCOPIN, other than Eddie, none of you guys know what quickscopin is, so instead of explaining it here is a quick video, just kidding to lazy to link one, but srsly go on youtube and check it out. Other than AW I am going to play some battle field 4 with Eddie and just go for some crazy tank kills. Well I am to jumpy to finish this but I will try my hardest, like I can feel my finger muscles tigtening up and my mind races, I check the clock 2:22 two minuets since when I started this. Holy crap I can not focus I am probably going to walk, any of you in the back room remember how loud my music is, I have ADHD wow what is happening holy canoli, oh my goshness 2:23 holy carp, the fish yes I did this on purpose, good bye.
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