Tuesday, March 10, 2015

sol 10

Well today I went to this introduction thingy at Regis, and honestly I really liked it. Even though I am Jewish I do not see that interfering with my school work and vice versa. Regis has a big emphasis on improving ones self along with others, on top of education, which the Jesuits have been known for.

I think that going to a school such a CA or Kent, those schools are not so economically diverse, and being at Regis where this one kid, who went up and talked in front of like 500 people, said he wakes up at five to ride a light rail train to his bus to get to school by eight. People like that are people I want to strive towards, hard and diligent workers.

One last thing, the all boys thing is actually quite nice, while you don't get to have girls in your class, there is a lot less whining, and more jokes and just fun. When I shadowed all of the kids seemed to just be laughing the entire time and joshing each other, while not so much at some of the public schools. Also the cookies are so flipping good, like imagine the best thing ever, and then make it warm and add chocolate and multiply it by ten and you have these cookies.

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