Monday, April 13, 2015

Shooting Tiles

Yesterday, my brother and I decided to shoot pucks at the remaining tiles from my shower renovation.  So in my garage, we set up a whole bunch of ceramic tiles in the corners to use as targets, that way when I hit the corner I would get a huge of explosion of shards everywhere. My brother had a cool idea to get slow motion videos of the plates exploding. You can see the puck fly by in a couple of frames, the next frames you can see the puck make a hole and the cracks appear, finally the shards exploding outward.

I have never had the will power to go out into my garage and actually shoot or stick handle. However, today I threw on my headphones and just hammed out to various pump up songs while watching my reign of tile smashing terror begin. I used to different sized plates, at first I started out with larger plates so I would break the easier, but once I got confident, I moved down to smaller plates which, when smashed, made me feel a lot better.

Sadly there was some collateral damage, I tore a puck sized whole in a painting, luckily my mother was sleeping so I went in and told her, she didn't seem to mind that much, though...

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