Friday, January 23, 2015

Slice of Life

Last night I played the u-16 team. They are basically the same team as us except that they are a year two two years older than us. We played them and at first it looked like they weren't trying, which was to be excepted, but then we basically started smiting them. They started fighting back and it turned into a pretty decent game, then all of the sudden my friend just scores three goal in the span of two shifts.

We were just as shocked as the other team, he is one of the best players on our team, but three goals. Then my other friend, who is on the same line as the kid who score all of our other goals, goes between half of the other team and scores making the game 4-1. He lined up and tried to go back down again, when out of the blue a kid comes over a just destroys my friend into the boards. Play continued for a little bit as know one really knew what happened but when the when finally blew we all saw my friend lying against the board in a paralyzed state with blood running from the ice, just kidding, he was fine he got back up and skated into our bench to go out next shift. Thats why hockey is the best sport

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